Zenless Zone Zero: Qingyi build and materials guide

Zenless Zone Zero: Qingyi build and materials guide
Zenless Zone Zero: Qingyi build and materials guide

Qingyi build and materials guide: It is the right time to dispense immediate justice through the leading Zenless Zone Zero Qingyi build and confront those who commit crimes. This Electric Stun Agent is adept at causing Daze in enemies, enabling Chain Attacks, and also enhances the damage inflicted upon them while they are stunned.

  • Role: Stun
  • Damage Type: Electric
  • Faction: Criminal Investigation Special Response Team
  • Rarity: S-Rank

Qingyi’s primary mechanic is known as Flash Connect Voltage. She accumulates Flash Connect Voltage by inflicting Electric DMG on adversaries and can enter the Flash Connect state upon reaching a specific threshold of this resource. While in the Flash Connect state, Qingyi is able to execute an Enhanced Basic Attack combo, which utilizes Flash Connect Voltage to increase its damage and induce Daze.

Her Core Skill plays a crucial role in her Basic Attack combo, applying stacks of Subjugation to adversaries whenever she executes the Finishing Strike or triggers a Perfect Dodge during that strike. The Subjugation effect increases the Stun Damage Multiplier for the affected target and boosts the damage dealt by Qingyi’s Chain Attack.

Qingyi’s EX Special Attack serves as an effective means to rapidly increase Flash Connect Voltage, enabling her to expend Energy to extend the hit combo, thereby dealing additional Electric DMG. Furthermore, her Ultimate also functions as an Electric DMG assault.

When Qingyi collaborates with a colleague from the Criminal Investigation Special Response Team or an Agent designated for the Attack role, her Basic Attacks will cause extra Daze effects, and any Impact point that exceeds a specified threshold will enhance her ATK.

By obtaining more copies of Qingyi and expanding her Mindscape Cinema, one can significantly augment her power. Level 1 is notably effective, as it maximizes Flash Connect Voltage immediately upon her entry into combat and enhances its accumulation rate. Moreover, Level 1 allows her Enhanced Basic Attack to reduce the DEF of foes while increasing her own CRIT Rate when Flash Connect Voltage is completely charged. In contrast, Level 2 increases the Stun DMG Multiplier of Subjugation and amplifies the Daze effect on enemies with full Subjugation stacks.

At Level 4, Qingyi is granted a shield that is determined by her Maximum HP when she enters the Flash Connect state. If this shield refreshes a previously established one, it will also generate Energy for her. Level 6 enhances the interrupt value of her Enhanced Basic Attack, increases its CRIT DMG, and allows it to lower the target’s All Attribute DMG RES, thus offering a significant damage increase for the entire team.

Zenless Zone Zero – Qingyi: Best W-Engines

As an S-Rank Agent, Qingyi will be equipped with her distinctive W-Engine, known as Ice-Jade Teapot. This engine not only includes Impact as a secondary stat but also facilitates the accumulation of additional Impact through Basic Attacks. When a designated level of the Tea-riffic effect is attained, the ATK of the entire team is augmented.

The Ice-Jade Teapot provides substantial support to Qingyi, not only enhancing her capacity to cause Daze and stun opponents but also amplifying her damage potential when she is integrated into a team that fully activates her Core Skill.

Best W-Engines for Qingyi in ZZZ:

  • Ice-Jade Teapot (S-Rank)
  • The Restrained (S-Rank)
  • Hellfire Gears (S-Rank)
  • Steam Oven (A-Rank)
  • Six Shooter (A-Rank)
  • Demara Battery Mark II (A-Rank)
  • [Vortex] Arrow (B-Rank)

Zenless Zone Zero – Qingyi: Best Drive Discs

It has been established that maximizing Qingyi’s Impact stat is of utmost importance, as it provides her with significant advantages. Therefore, prioritizing this aspect should be your primary focus. Additionally, to enhance Qingyi’s personal damage output, it is essential to increase her CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, Electric DMG, and ATK.

Best Drive Disc sets for Qingyi in ZZZ:

  • Shockstar Disco (4) + Thunder Metal (2): +6% Impact, +20% Daze inflicted by Basic Attacks, Dash Attacks, and Dodge Counters, +10% Electric Damage.
  • Shockstar Disco (4) + Swing Jazz (2): +6% Impact, +20% Daze inflicted by Basic Attacks, Dash Attacks, and Dodge Counters, +20% Energy Regen.

Best Drive Disc stats for Qingyi in ZZZ:

  • Partition 1 – HP (Primary), CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %, ATK %, Anomaly Proficiency
  • Partition 2 – ATK (Primary), CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %, ATK %, Anomaly Proficiency
  • Partition 3 – DEF (Primary), CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %, ATK %, Anomaly Proficiency
  • Partition 4 – CRIT Rate % (Primary), CRIT DMG %, ATK %, Anomaly Proficiency, PEN
  • Partition 5 – Electric DMG % (Primary), CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %, ATK %, Anomaly Proficiency
  • Partition 6 – Impact (Primary), CRIT Rate %, CRIT DMG %, ATK %, Anomaly Proficiency

Zenless Zone Zero – Qingyi: Best Team Compositions

Qingyi offers dependable crowd control alongside a remarkable damage output, establishing her as a formidable Sub DPS or even a Main DPS option, should one choose to utilize her in that capacity. She serves as a natural enhancement over Anby for numerous team configurations.

  • Zhu Yuan (Main DPS), Qingyi (Sub DPS), Nicole (Support)
  • Bangboo: Resonaboo or Officer Cui

Qingyi and Zhu Yuan are able to activate each other’s complete Core Skills due to their affiliation with the same faction. As a Stun Agent, Qingyi effectively facilitates Zhu Yuan’s powerful buckshot combinations, thereby enhancing the Stun DMG Multiplier on targets and amplifying the impact of the Main DPS’s attacks. Nicole stands out as one of the most formidable Support options for this team, owing to her crowd control abilities, which significantly improve the chances of landing successful strikes with Zhu Yuan, in addition to lowering enemy defense.

 The ability of Qingyi to trigger Zhu Yuan’s Core Skill has reduced the requirement for Nicole in Zhu Yuan’s teams. As a result, it is now more feasible to incorporate characters such as Rina or Lucy into her party.

  • Anton (Main DPS), Qingyi (Sub DPS), Rina (Support)
  • Bangboo: Plugboo

Qingyi seamlessly integrates into a complete Electric composition, where her abilities can contribute to generating Shock, thereby enhancing Anton’s damage output.

Zenless Zone Zero – Qingyi: promotion materials

Once you have secured Qingyi, it is essential to advance her level swiftly in order to leverage her skills in battle. The materials needed for her upgrade to Level 60 are as follows:

  • Basic Stun Certification Seal x4
  • Advanced Stun Certification Seal x32
  • Buster Certification Seal x30
  • Dennies x800,000

 Certification Seals can be acquired through participation in the VR Combat Simulation. Additionally, it is possible to create advanced materials by utilizing lower-level materials. Dennies can be earned both in the VR Combat Simulation and by managing the Random Play video store.

While leveling up Qingyi is a significant component of the game, it is crucial to also focus on upgrading all of her skills to fully harness her potential in battle. The materials required to achieve maximum proficiency in her Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack are listed below. The totals provided can be divided by five to find the quantity needed for each individual skill.

  • Basic Shock Chip x25
  • Advanced Shock Chip x75
  • Specialized Shock Chip x250
  • Hamster Cage Pass x5
  • Dennies x2,500,000

In the VR Combat Simulation, players have the opportunity to farm chips, with the option to craft Advanced and Specialized Chips as well. Additionally, Hamster Cage Passes, which are considered a rare resource, can be obtained from limited-time events and the New Eridu City Fund.

Ultimately, you have the opportunity to enhance her Core Skill up to six levels, thereby increasing Qingyi’s strength. To accomplish this, the following materials are required:

  • Higher Dimensional Data: Ethereal Pursuit x60
  • Living Drive x9
  • Dennies x405,000

Higher Dimensional Data: Ethereal Pursuit can be obtained from the Expert Challenge: Notorious – Armored Hati, whereas Living Drive is to be acquired through the Notorious Hunt: Unknown Corruption Complex.


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